mx hub 💙

🎉 welcome 🎉

🔎 why the mx hub

💡 the idea of MX Hub borns from two main reasons:

  • resources hub for the mx area & information management | in this hub you can find all the materials that we will create as commission and/or area

  • MCVP MX support hub | here you will find materials with which educate your network and/or tools that will support your job as MCVP

✚ in this hub you can also find a shortcut to our newsletter and the output of MX Commission calls, in order to be always aligned with what is happening and our main priorities.

🥰 enjoy the hub, and if you have any input and or feedback, please approach us - you can find our contacts at the end of the page. 

🔎 what you can find in the mx hub?

💜 mx launch

Everything about the membership program launch

📞 commission call

in this folder you can find the commission calls output

🗂 conferences output

All the session delivered in conferences & summit since May 2021

✉️ mx newsletter

here you can find our monthly newsletter

📚 MX knowledge

All the materials & tools that you need