leadership development model — AIESEC Hub

Welcome to LEAD HUB!

You might wondered how can I facilitate leadership spaces to young people ?
Here is what you all need !

All you need to deliver LEAD content
All you need to build LEAD facilitation skills
All you need to choose the right learning environment

Happy LEAD!

LDM guide

Will help you to know what is the AIESEC leadership development model and where it comes from.

LEAD guide

Will help you understand what is LEAD, its framework and key principles.

LEAD facilitation

Will help you understand what are the principles of LEAD Facilitation and how to gain the needed skills to do it.

LEAD content guide

Will help you understand all the official LEAD Content available to you, how to deliver it, customise it and how to design your own LEAD content.

LEAD implementation

Will help you understand the role of AI, RO and network in supporting the implementation of LEAD including timeline of deliverables.

LEAD environment

Will help you understand the needed principles for you to decide the right learning environment for your LEAD Spaces as well as its principles.

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