the aiesec way — AIESEC Hub


AIESEC’s leadership development model seeks to prepare youth to take a stand on what they care about and embody the AIESEC values for long-lasting impact.

Our values guide our everyday actions and decisions. They shape our organizational culture, bringing the AIESEC way to life. We embed these values in every leadership experience we deliver.

Our Impact

We create direct and positive impact in the world by developing leadership in young people. We impact the world indirectly by designing cross-

cultural opportunities that strive to address society's challenges.

Cross-Cultural Understanding

Cross-cultural understanding encompasses an understanding of different nations or territories, races, ethnicities, religions, as well as across

different sectors and segments of society.

Leadership Opportunities

AIESEC provides diverse opportunities such as exchange opportunities, work experiences, volunteering, and other activities created for young

people to develop their leadership in unfamiliar environments.

AIESEC Membership

AIESEC members collaborate in teams to create, support and manage these cross-cultural, practical experiences. This provides an opportunity

for our members to live fulfilling team experiences that activate their leadership potential.

Our Partners

We define our partners as an individual, corporation, institution, or organization that shares our values, adheres to our ethics, and helps us

amplify our impact.