EwA Hub — AIESEC Hub

Engage with AIESEC HUB

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Engage with aiesec

The Engage with AIESEC (EwA) phase exists to engage young people with the concept of leadership development and with our organization.

Part of Engage with the AIESEC phase are all the activities and programs that aim to engage young people with the organization and with the concept of leadership development. These activities can be global or entity-level initiatives. They are recognized as part of EwA based on the fulfillment of the principles mentioned by the 2021 version of the AIESEC Experience Booklet.

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Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
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Innovation capacity aims to set systems in place to enable the network to have the the ability to innovate.

With Innovation capacity- the entities would have the the ability to innovate in EwA and create their own national initiatives.

All the materials are created to support the entities to understand this phase of AIESEC experience, have the right tools to innovate using the design sprint methodology, creating a sustainable business model  that can be attractive for youth, partners such  as engaging to the network to plan and  implement it.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Heading for the future is a new Engage with AIESEC program we have introduced in March 2021. The aim of the program is to support different stakeholders achieve their objectives within the criteria defined for EwA in AIESEC Experience.

For youth, Heading for the Future is “a simulated working experience for those who seek to discover their career path”

For partners, Heading for the Future is “a platform for the organizations who seek to train & hire a potential talent in their community.”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
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Youth Speak is an initiative powered by AIESEC.. It was created under the principles of Engage with AIESEC phase from AIESEC experience and it serves to engage likeminded youth the organization and introduce them to the concept of leadership development with us.

The value proposition of Youth Speak is following;

For youth: A medium for young people to speak up and learn about different issues, choose a cause they will champion, engage in dialogue with other like-minded individuals  and organisations, network, and find ways to take action”

For partners: “Stand by the youth of your community to understand their voice & look at the issues they care about. Collaborate to find solutions & have positive outcome.”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.